The 13th Annual Conference on Stigma
Power of Peer Support: Breaking the Chains of Stigma Together
November 15-18, 2021
Monday November 14th
Partner session:
Spilling the Tea! A real conversation with trans and cisgender women
Passcode: G%%A4UK0
Tuesday, November 15th
Plenary Session 1: Stigma: What have we learned? and Stigma Stories
Transforming the Story Addressing Faith Based HIV Stigma in the US South
Stigma Stories 2, Raffle #1, Tuesday Lunch Hour
Faith Session one Syndemics, Stigma, and Spirituality The intersections of HIV, COVID, MPox & Faith
Town Hall- For the People, By the People
Faith Session Two: Experience of Local Faith Communities in Addressing HIV-Related Stigma
Wednesday, November 16th
International Session, Raffle #2 and Art Winners Announced
Wednesday Lunch Break:
Art Winners: 2022 Stigma Art Submissions
Choices Video: “Choices” Music Video – JAR
I AM STRONGER THAN HIV💞💞😜#Bimatv #mystory #dailylife: Hajarah Asiimwe, Uganda
Rompiendo Barreras (Breaking Barriers) IN SPANISH
Beyond the Barbershop A Conversation on Men, Sex, Sexuality, and Stigma
HIV, Mental Health and Wellness
Substance Use Disorder and Social Stigma Research and Dissemination Efforts at Penn State University
HIV and Stigma: Why is this still a problem? 40 years later
Transcend Wellness Workshop A Healing and Wellness Space for People of Trans Experience
Friday, November 18th
Theratechnologies Inc Sponsored Keynote Address: Champions Break Chains: The Power of Storytelling in ending Stigma
Plenary Session 2: Power of Peer Support: Breaking the Chains of Stigma Together
Rana Family Speaker Series on Social Justice in Health: Yearning to Breathe: Healthy Families, Healthy Communities
Awards Raffle #3 and Performance by Da Most Versatile, Dancers
The Power of Peer Support: Breaking the Chains of Stigma Together as we Age with HIV : Pain Shared is Pain Lessened: Positive Entrempowerment” Workgroup focusing on Heterosexual Men
Faith Session 3: Help Me Tell My Story
Intersections and Reflections: the Impact of Monkeypox, COVID, and HIV Stigma on Mental Health
Video from another source- pending
Health Literacy: The Silent Epidemic: Low health literate individuals help spread stigma
Enough is Enough!: Breaking through the Common Misconceptions Sickle Cell Warriors Face
Women Celebrating Life Through the Storm from a Peer’s Perspective
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Bonus Material: Stigma Stories and Supplemental Content 2022