Call for Creative Talent Arts to Fight HIV Stigma!

Deadline for submission: October 20, 2012

The Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University, believes it’s imperative to continue having an honest conversation about the attitude that spreads HIV/AIDS – Stigma. Stigma refers to a group of negative attitudes and beliefs that cause people to fear, reject, avoid, and belittle people with certain illnesses.  Stigma involves labeling people as “different”.  Stigma is a major problem for persons living with HIV/AIDS.  HIV/AIDS has come a long way in the last 30 years, through research, medications, trainings, and other prevention programs. However, the disease keeps spreading globally. It is our belief that we need to include stigma into every conversation, prevention method and research about HIV/AIDS.  Therefore, we have invited scholars, the community, government leaders and affected individuals to a unique conference happening on November 30th, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

In addition to scientific posters, we are inviting everyone, particularly middle/high school and college students and teachers, to develop and submit their creative talents in the form of artistic posters, essays or poetry surrounding the topic of HIV and Stigma.  Prizes will be awarded in each of the 3 categories, and winning pieces may be featured at the 3nd International Conference on Stigma to be held at Howard University Blackburn Center, Washington DC.  Submission deadline for the creative talent arts is October 20, 2012.

Please forward your creative work or questions to: Meseret Deressa, MD at:, 202-865-3388.  Howard University, Dept of Pediatrics & Child Health, 2041 Georgia Ave, NW, Suite 6-11B Washington, DC 20060.
