Call for Scientific Abstracts and Creative Arts Contest

The fourth International Conference on Stigma is accepting scientific abstracts for poster presentations. The goals of the conference are to explain what stigma is, describe how stigma impacts individuals and communities, and to explore interventions that work to reduce stigma, on both a community and a government/policy level.

Please review the following guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact the Scientific Program and Evaluation Committee Chairs Suneeta Kumari, MD, MPH and Javed Khan MD at or call 202-865-3388.

Abstract Guidelines

All persons whose papers are accepted by the Peer Review Committee for presentation must register and be present at the conference. In the event a substitute will present the original poster, the committee must be notified 1 week prior to the conference. Each author is limited to the submission of THREE ABSTRACTS as the primary author.

No revisions can be made after the abstract submission deadline.

Abstracts should be written in clear and concise English.

The abstract submission deadline is November 1, 2013. Submit to

Abstract Format

The title should be short and concise; the body of the abstract should follow logically from the title. Abstracts should contain four sections:

Objective: Why did you perform it?
Methods: How did you conduct the study?
Results: What were the results of evaluation?
Conclusions: What does it mean?

Abstract Review and Selection Process

The presenting author will be notified of acceptance or rejection. Abstracts will be evaluated on their scientific merit and value to the audience.
Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed. Presentations will be in the form of a poster, not an oral presentation. Authors are expected to post and remove posters at designated times and to be at their posters to answer questions during the time designated for poster presentations.

Creative Arts Contest

We invite you to share with us your creative talents!  We are also accepting submissions in the form of posters, poetry, artwork, and essays surrounding the theme of health related stigma.  There will be a category for students (up to high school) and for adults.  Prizes will be given! Please send your submissions to Sophia Patel,
