Conference Theme: “Bridging Research, Community and Practice”
Cramton Auditorium, Howard University, Washington, DC, Friday, November 16, 2018 (8 AM– 5 PM)
Deadline for Submission: Friday, September 14, 2018 by 5:00pm (EST)
The overarching goals of this conference are to increase awareness of the stigma of HIV and other health conditions and to explore interventions to eradicate this stigma. The conference also serves to educate healthcare providers and the general public about stigma as both a human rights violation and a major barrier to prevention and treatment of illnesses. We are looking for original work that addresses HIV or other health-related stigma (such as mental illness) to be presented as a POSTER during the conference poster session. The Best Scientific Abstract Award recipient and the second-place scientific abstract will have the opportunity to provide a BRIEF PRESENTATION of their work in addition to the poster session. Monetary prizes will be given for the top three scientific abstracts. The Best Scientific Abstract Award recipient will receive a $500 prize, the second-place scientific abstract will receive a $200 prize, and the third-place scientific abstract will receive a $100 prize.
Abstract Guidelines: Submit an abstract, with a maximum of 300 words, to Victoria Hoverman at vicki.hoverman@gmail.com and Shirin Sultana at shirin.sultana@bison.howard.edu, by 5:00pm (EST) on Friday, September 14, 2018. Please include the full name, position/job title, affiliation and email address of each contributing author at the top of the page along with the abstract title. Author information and the abstract title are not included in the 300-word count. First author or presenter must register for the conference if the abstract is accepted. Notifications will be sent by October 15, 2018. These are poster presentations only, with the exception of the Best Scientific Abstract Award winner and the second-place scientific abstract winner, which are also brief oral presentations. The first author of the winning abstracts must attend the conference to receive the prizes (or be willing to let an attending author or other representative accept the prize). Students are welcome!
For questions about abstracts, contact Victoria Hoverman at vicki.hoverman@gmail.com and/or Shirin Sultana at shirin.sultana@bison.howard.edu. For general questions about the conference contact Patricia Houston at phouston@howard.edu.