8 AM | Registration, Exhibits and Refreshments
Musical Selection, Sanaa Stephen, Vocal |
9 AM | Opening Session
Greetings Welcome Sohail Rana, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University Asiimwe Hajarah, Uganda |
9:45 AM | Morning Session: Research Leading the Way Moderator: Warren L. Miller, Jr, Ph.D., MSW, LICSW, SAP, BCD., Assistant Professor, BSW Program Rhode Island College, School of Social Work (Pronouns: He/Him/His)Panelists:Laura Nyblade, Ph.D., Senior Research Health Policy Analyst, RTI International, Washington, DC Murray Penner, Executive Director of Prevention Access Campaign, North America Derek Dangerfield, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, A life course exploration of developmental pathways to sexual risk among Black sexual minority men Presentation of Winning Scientific Abstracts: Vicki Hoverman, Ph.D. Blaine Smith, Youth Perceptions of Stigma: Towards an LGBTQ+ Youth Wellness Model Struther Van Horn, The Influence of Structural Stigma on Mental Illness: State Level Structural Stigma and Quality of Life and Attitudes toward Treatment Seeking Questions and Answers |
11:25 AM | Keynote Address
Kahlib Barton-Garçon , Washington, DC, Senior Program Officer, True Colors United (Pronouns: She/he/they) |
11:45 AM | Promising Futures Youth Performance with Maranda Ward |
12 PM | LUNCH, Posters, Exhibit Tables, Networking
Entertainment: Dr. Lennard Jack, Steel Pan and Brian Lenair, Saxophone |
1:15 PM | Recognition
Musical Selection, Brian Lenair, Saxophone Mary Bowman Award Stigma Warrior Award Stigma Champions Recognition of 10th Year and Candlelight Ceremony |
TRACK 1: How Youth Can Stop Stigma, Promising Futures, Washington DC Location: Cramton Main Stage Coordinator: Maranda Ward, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership, George Washington University Panelists: Students of Promising Futures
TRACK 2: The Mandala Art as a technique to identify and work with stressful information due to stigma and adverse life events Location: Cramton Dressing Rooms, Lower Level Coordinator: Luz E Rivera, Psy. D. Moderator: Rodrigo Chavez, M.H.A.
TRACK 3: Brave Talk, Brave Walk Location: Cramton Multipurpose room (Lower Level) Coordinator: Mister and Crystal Raines Moderator: Mister and Crystal Raines
TRACK 4: Bodemé workshop Project, Sexual Health in Black Gay Men Location: School of Business, Room 300B Coordinator: Ron Simmons, Ph.D., Ron Simmons Consulting, LLC Moderator: Ron Simmons, Ph.D., Ron Simmons Consulting, LLC Panelist: Demetrius Smith, Health Impact Specialist, DC Department of Health
TRACK 5: PrEP School Attendance, Mid-Atlantic AIDS Education and Training Center Sponsored Workshop with CME Location: School of Business, Room 300A Coordinator: Monika Daftary, PharmD, and Latica Hayden Speaker: Ronald Wilcox, MD, Professor and Chief of Infectious Diseases, Howard University |
3:40 PM | Afternoon Session Youth Panel: Youth Power Up for a Stigma Free Future
Moderator: Daniel Driffin, Interim Director of Programs, Living Room, Atlanta, Co-Founder THRIVE SS Panelists: Richard Hutchinson, Executive Director and Co- founder and Project Director of He Is Valuable, Inc., Atlanta, GA. (Pronouns: Open To All Things Fem and Masc) Tranisha Darlene Arzah, HIV STI Tester, Gay City: Seattle’s LGBTQ Center (Pronouns: she/they) M Gregory Green, Advocate, Columbia, SC Michael “Miss Mikey” Lamb, Project RED Paint Inc., Atlanta Georgia Richard Adkins, Community Advocate |
4:55 PM | Call to Action and Closing Remarks
Sohail Rana, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University |